Features Overview
Quotations & Estimations
Quotes/Estimates can be entered into the system so that a formal quotation can be submitted to the customer. The system stores all of your products, services, edge profiles, and cut-outs with prices, so building you quote is quick and easy.

To save time and omit errors during the quotation process you can customize packages for frequently fabricated or common jobs. It is a standard feature with the fabrication module in which all the format and language on the quote can be customized during the system setup.
Inward Consignment
With inward consignment you can bring more options and quantity to your customers without the overhead costs. The items that you take in as consignment remain your supplier's inventory until you sell them.

Stone Profit Systems separates regular payable from consignment payable, and generates quick and
painless reports that calculates the exact amount due to the supplier, for the products consumed.

The system also filters the consignment inventory from your actual inventory making it easy to manage both. The system's inventory search will display both consigned and actual inventory as available for sale.
Slab Information
Stone Profit Systems stores detailed information for each and every slab/item in your inventory. Now it is easy to know purchasing history, holds, sales history, return history, landed costs, selling price, and much more. You can record notes and allowances; and store photos for individual slabs that have unique qualities or issues. Because the slabs are bar-coded in your warehouse the information you store in the system will always be paired with the right slab.
Remnant Inventory
Job after job, remnant pieces of all shapes and sizes are produced. These random pieces can be hard to keep track of, but with Stone Profit Systems it is easy.

Within each job the system gives you the option to add remnant pieces back into your inventory.
The remnants can be left 'L's, right 'L's, and rectangular. Whatever the shape the system allows you to enter the dimensions, and even upload a picture.

When a remnant is entered the system will calculate the square footage, and produce a barcode label for identification.
Alternate Names
In the Stone industry everyone has a different name for the same product or color, and your company might have a specific name in order to gain an edge on competitors. With Stone Profit Systems you can store and organizes all of the alternate names that you, your suppliers, and customers use for one product.

When purchasing Inventory, avoid confusion by sending a purchase order with the product name that you supplier refers to, while keeping your records clean with the name you refer to.

When it is time to search through your Inventory, it is possible to search by the name you use or the alternate name to get the same result.

When selling to customers who demand a specific name, Stone Profit Systems allows you to mark it as a "sold as" name on their Invoice in order to make the sale and keep your customer happy at the same time.
Scheduling Templates & Installation
Stone Profit Systems comes equipped with an excellent calendar tool that makes scheduling field tasks, such as templates and installs, a breeze. The calendar tool is directly connected to all of the jobs that are entered into the system so there is no chance of double booking or lost appointments.

Your staff can start scheduling tasks to specific resources as soon as the job is created. The calendar is color coated, and can be filtered by tasks and resources. This makes schedule management simple. There is also a separate calendar for the in shop tasks. both calendars will help your company stay in control of deadlines.
Scheduling Shop Tasks
Timing is important when fabricating several jobs for various customers all at once. Stone Profit Systems' shop calendar is the perfect tool to keep your company on top of deadlines.

As soon as a job sis created you can start scheduling the in shop tasks, such as: digitizing, cutting, CNC Machining, edging, and polishing.
The system stores a record for each machine in your shop, along with each resource that can operate the machine. This makes the in shop scheduling a breeze.

Also on the system is a field calendar. The shop calendar paired with the field calendar create a seamless scheduling experience that you employees will enjoy working with.
E-mail and Fax
Sending documents to customers and clients takes quite a bit of time out of the workday. Not to mention the cost of paper that is used in printing and faxing.

With Stone Profit Systems your company can save on both. The system allows you to email and fax all of you purchasing and sales documents straight from your computer. This includes notifications, terms and conditions, purchase orders, quotations, sale orders, invoices, and much more. You will be happy with the time and money you save, and your customers will be glad to do business with an up to date company that can email the documents they need in a quick and responsible manner.
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